Monday, October 24, 2011

Another foster come and gone!

Well it's official. I'm addicted to fostering dogs. This little precious girl is my 5th for the year and she just went to her new home. Olivia Jude was her name (now it is Bella) and she was such a wonderful thing to experience. We all loved her and her snuggles. People ask me all of the time how I do this without wanting to keep them all. Ha!!! It is not easy. I have 3 dogs and 2 cats of my own so if I keep one I'll probably lose a husband. That's what keeps me from keeping one. Although Shane almost lost out to Miss Jude. If you are ever thinking of fostering a dog or adopting a dog make sure you go to . They do wonderful things for these great creatures. P.S. to help ease the pain of losing Jude I got another foster dog the same day. I'll post photos soon. He is amazing!


Metalsgirl said...

I am super proud of you! And how cool is it that we are doing this together now!?! Love it! Beautiful photos as always.

C said...

Awww...congrats! Pitties are the best! <3